The FOLK GOLD Standard for POS Tagging of spoken German, alongside with training data and a parameter file for TreeTagger, described in Westpfahl/Schmidt (2016), can be obtained from the following page in the Database of Spoken German (DGD):
DGD download page for FOLK GOLD Standard POS-Tagging
Please note that a login is required. This is due a usage restriction from the informed consent forms of FOLK. For all uses for academic research and teaching, you can register as a DGD user for free and will obtain the required login credentials within a day.
Please contact folk AT ids DASH mannheim DOT de for any questions.
Westpfahl, Swantje/Schmidt, Thomas (2016):
FOLK-Gold – A Gold Standard for Part-of-Speech-Tagging of Spoken German.
In: Proceedings of LREC 2016. [Online-Version]